How doctors make you an idiot to cure you(Placebo effect)?

How doctors make you an idiot to cure you(Placebo effect)? 
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Have you ever wondered what if you are having a disease and visiting a doctor he gives you fake pills! fake pills! pills containing nothing with medicinal properties. Telling you keep it scheduled the doctor promises for your recovery.. after a few days will you still be ill? Obviously , you will rather visit the doctor again after few days and bribe the nurse to steal his stethoscope and then in the middle of the night sell the stethoscope in the black market to get your money back. The point is you wont be able to get up from bed, REMEMBER YOU ARE SICK!

Now, the whole story takes an u-turn when i ask you, what if you were lied by the doctor? what if you didnt even know that the medicine is fake?  now will you still be ill? hm, research says that you will not. A fake medicine can also cure you.
Certainly the dream of terrified patients who are afraid of engulfing bitter medicines has come true; unfortunately chemically not physically! the point is you can't be cured if you know its fake.

What happens in your brain is a prosess known as Placebo effect. According to wikipedia "a placebo is a substance or treatment with no active therapeutic effect. A placebo may be given to a person in order to deceive the recipient into thinking that it is an active treatment". In 1955 anesthesiologist Henry K. Beecher published his pioneering research papers on "The Powerful Placebo".Beecher found that, among the 26 studies he took, an average of 32% of patients responded to placebo.The plcebo cures patients without using any medicine, the patient is basically fooled and their brain does the rest.

What exactly causes the placebo is yet unknown but we can say that it is a complex neurobiological function. It is basically a demonstration of brain power, the power of positive thinking, in simple words 'hope'. 

Since here the brain is causing the healing, majority of the diseases cannot be treated by the placebo, after all not all diseases have the same mechanism. Sometimes a negative effect is also recorded, its like the opposite of placebo, where the patient 'thinks' that he has some disease and is getting worse gradually, inspite of not actually having any disease the individual actually feels sick and degrades. This is the nocebo effect. 

Nowadays the placebo is mainly used in clinical trials where a group of patients is given the actual medicine and a group of patients are given the placebo which acts as the control group. This finds out the effectiveness of the real medicine.

Thank you and have fun.


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