Why are oceans salty?

Link to the video: https://youtu.be/22oNHkr7M7U

What is a salt? For some of you it is obviously the one and only common table salt sodium chloride, without which our snacks are incomplete. infact there are different types of salt in our planet. A salt basically is a positively charged part and negatively charged part bound together. The positively charged part is known as cation and the negatively charged part is known as anion, both are essentially ions. In case of sodium chloride the positive ion is sodium whereas the negative ion is chloride. for other salts any metallic ion can take place as the positive ion and non metallic ions for the negative ions. But that is not we are interested in, the question is how do they concentrate the oceans?
What happens is a lot of water is evaporated every year and put back on the surface in the form of rain and snow. Some rainfall takes place on the ocean and some takes place on the land, its the land rainfall which makes the ocean salty. The rain water which falls in the land runs in the form of streams and rivers to return back to the ocean, in this long run the water dissolves salts an minerals from rocks and soil, this dissolved salt comes down and accumulates in the ocean. When the oceans were new they were not at all salty like the normal ponds and rivers but deposition of dissolved salts in a span of millions of years resulted in this saltyness. That is the reason why oceans are salty but the rivers and ponds are not.
This dissolved salts not only consists of sodium chloride but also of other form of salts of potassium, magnesium, sulphate, bicarbonates etc. Another thing is that although there are equal amount of all salts present on the earth surface, the ocean water contains sodium salts the most it  is because sodium salts are more rapidly dissolving in water compared to others like potassium and magnesium.
Another source of this the volcanic eruptions, the gases contain much amount of chlorine which is again the chief component of the most abundant salt in the oceans. Therefore despite all the other elements taken together, sodium chloride comprises of nearly 86 percent of the salts in the oceans. So next time you need free salts, head over to the beach.


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